Staff Augmentations
In light of ACT’s tremendous success in IT Consulting, ACT has expanded its offerings to include all types of General Staffing. ACT uses the same principles in finding and placing the best talent when it comes to General Staffing, as we do with IT Staffing. Most staffing companies just want to dump a warm body in an opening, but not at ACT….

What Sets ACT Apart from Its Competition?
  • Recruiters who are “expert” at finding the best talent
  • The Metropolitan Area’s largest database of available talent
  • Skill testing of every candidate
  • Multi-tiered interview process
  • Thorough reference checking
  • Company paid holidays, vacation, medical, dental & life insurance and 401K
  • Highly competitive rates and complete satisfaction guaranteed
  • Dedicated and experienced Account Executives

ACT separates itself from other staffing firms not only by providing excellent talent on demad but also offering a break-down of our already reduced placement fee over 750 hours. Allowing you to manage your budget more effectively. You'll never be in a position to pay a large, one time staffing fee when using our fee option payment.

ACT's Fee Payment Option allows a company to pay our direct hire fee for new employees over the first 750 hours that employee works. Example; if you hire a Network Technician for 75K, ACT's normal direct hire fee of 20% would be $15K. With the Fee Payment Option your fee is $20.00 per hour for the first 750 hours the Network Technician works. The Network Technician is your employee hired directly by your company. ACT can also spread the Direct Hire fee over the first 1000 hours if there are multiply hires