ACT Consulting News Feed http://www.actconsulting.infoACT Consulting News FeedCopyright 2016 All rights reserved.How to Spot a Recruiter worth Working With How to Spot a Recruiter worth Working With By ChaddBalbi There is a large, growing population that views recruiting as a useless profession. They find recruiters to be greedy, selfish and more concerned with their commission than the candidates. Used car salesmen are starting to get a . . . </a> 10:46:41 AMNew Law Restricts New Jersey Employers From Requiring Access To Employees’ Social Media Passwords And Private Sites United States:New Law Restricts New Jersey Employers From Requiring Access To Employees’Social Media Passwords And Private Sites Article by Christina A. Stoneburner InMarch 2013, the New Jersey Legislature passed A2878, colloquially referred toas the Facebook Privacy Bill, which prohibits . . . </a> 1:40:10 PMAll Recruiters are not Jerks! Great article by Marc Cenedella, The Founder of It's no secret that the job-seeker's relationship with recruiters and HR people can be fraught with fear, confusion, irritation and anger. It doesn't take long in this business, or in your job search, to hear those feelings . . . </a> 10:00:46 AMThink Carefully Before Accepting a Counter Offer By LINDSAY OLSON It may seem to be the bestof both worlds, two companies vying to get you on their team, but the truth is,this puts you in a difficult position. When you decide to change jobs and yourcurrent employer makes a counter offer, you need to think carefully beforeaccepting . . . </a> 9:53:17 AMCOURT: STAFFING FIRM MUST PAY FOR SECURITY CHECK TIME April 15, 2024 A staffing firm mustpay Amazon’s warehouse workers for the time spent waiting in line to go throughthe employer-mandated security clearance procedures at the end of the day, thefederal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday in the case of Busk v. IntegrityStaffing Solutions. . . . </a> 3:04:49 PMThese Days, Recruiters Are Worth the Money! Vanessa Merit Nornberg When it comes to sourcing the right candidates, I've never been keen to use recruiters. But I recently changed my mind. My company has an excellent candidate screening process, a super training program, and a very successful team of employees to show for . . . </a> 10:27:50 AMWhy bother with job descriptions? Three reasons... Writing job descriptions for all of the positions in your company may sound like a lot of work, especially when they are not required by any law. But there are plenty of legal reasons why you should have them. 1 . Defend against discrimination claims. If applicants claim that you rejected . . . </a> 12:42:32 PMGood Advice from Bill Gates Good Advice from Bill Gates Bill Gates recently gave aCommencement speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will notlearn in school. Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish . . . </a> 11:52:57 AMOvertime pay. Discrimination. Family leave. Harassment Federal employment laws govern all of these issues – and many more – that you deal with at some point in your career. It's important for supervisors and managers to know the basics of how to comply with those laws. Here's a list of the top 10 most important federal employment laws: 1. Job . . . </a> 3:28:08 PMConfidential Job Opportunities In addition to the job opportunities posted in the employment section of ACT’s website and the subscription based job boards we use, ACT has several confidential job opportunities we do not advertise. Some ACT’s clients contract our recruiting services for confidential searches for sensitive or . . . </a> 3:42:43 PMAugust 27, 2024 Our New Home on the Web! Welcome to ACT Consulting's new home on the web. As you may have noticed, we have launched our newly redesigned website and we hope that you find the navigation more intuitive, and the overall experience more enjoyable. We have a new look and a new features we wanted to point out including, new . . . </a> 12:00:00 AM